Chaplain - Rev. Sean Manson
Grand Knight - Charles "Chuck" Hollis, PGK
Deputy Grand Knight - Robert "Bob" Knott
Chancellor - JustinMiller
Warden - William Flores
Recorder - George Corbo
Treasurer - Arturo Ilano
Advocate - Rich Oldfield
Financial Secretary - Kenneth E Armellino, PGK
Inside Guard - Frank Apablaza
Outside Guard I - Anthony Marti
Outside Guard II - (open)
Trustee, 1 year - Steve Martin, PGK
Trustee, 2 year - Frank Gallacher, PGK
Trustee, 3 year - Brian O'Dowd
Lecturer - Dr. Geoffrey Sadock
Insurance Agent - Enrique Blanco - 201-745-2723
District Deputy - Steve Martin, PGK
President: Steve Martin, DD, PGK
Vice President: Mike Rowley
Secretary: Tom Formosa
Treasurer: Adrian Miller
Trustee: Jeff Meeks
Trustee: Anthony Marti
Trustee: Ken Armellino
Chairmen & Director listings can be found in the Knight Times.